Your Reality
Your reality as a speaking expert can be quite challenging.
You've been working hard to get where you are now; making (multiple) 6-figures and scaling. You're something else! Passionate, ambitious, driven, creative, goal oriented, persistent, a smart cookie. I love that about you!
So, the last thing you need is another ball up in the air. Or in other words:
it's tough to
When your plate is FULL
That’s because at this point, you’re already making about 200 food-related decisions PER day on top of everything else you have going on.
No wonder it’s so hard to get that easy flow into your desire to eat healthy!
Imagine for a moment the impact of all this distraction on your productivity, your focus, your daily schedule!
Imagine how much time you could free up if you could cut down 90% of the thoughts that consume your clarity.
Most successful businesswomen don't give their daily food routine much thought:
They tank up at Starbucks -since COVID, at their recently purchased espresso machine on their kitchen countertop-, pour down thoughtless coffee, dig into a donut on their way to the office or at their desk, eat a sad sandwich in front of their computer at lunch time, pour down more caffeine to keep going, call the takeout for a slice of pizza or push a pre-packaged meal into the microwave, fall asleep in front of the television after chilling with too much alcohol, then toss and turn in bed until sunrise.
A quick reality check…
⤞ How many speaking- and business opportunities are you losing to fatigue or “not feeling like it?”
⤞ How many pounds did you gain since you started your business? How about since COVID changed your life?
⤞ How often are you turning down opportunities you would normally be over-the-moon-excited about?
If this rings any bells, it means that it’s time for change.
But how? And what exactly?
Change sounds great… you’re a go-getter after all and in for the entrepreneurial adventure.
But in reality, change feels uncomfortable.
Especially when it involves your most enjoyed source of comfort: your beloved food, your happy Zoom hour cocktail parties, your sweetest friend in emotional times, your social glue.
And you’re programmed to avoid that confrontation at all costs.
But here’s what it comes down to:
You will never be able to expand your unique (speaking) talent, aspirations and dreams you have to their full potential unless…
… starts with having energy!
Your ambitions, your projects, your speaking opportunities, closing sales, growing your business, your relationships, handling the stress of insecure times, the quality of your whole life... starts with your health and energy.
For speakers and businesswomen who use speaking as a marketing tool
it starts with having TWICE as much energy!
⤞ The biggest difference between a live and an online stage is: you can't feel the energy of your audience anymore. That means it takes more from YOU to connect with your invisible fans, to engage them and make them want to work with you.
⤞ Living in a time where most people stopped dreaming and seeing possibilities for themselves, it takes more from YOU to inspire them, guide them, lead them by a successful and -let's not forget- a healthy example.
⤞ It takes more from YOU to capture their attention, keep it throughout your whole presentation and make them lean in and take notes when you talk, instead of checking their emails on their phone.
And whereas those challenges may be fairly new, know that your presence may be sabotaging your success when you take the online stages.
How so?
✗ Your focus may wander off 10 or 20 minutes into your talk
✗ You may lose your thread and the strategic build up towards the end
✗ You may feel overwhelmed by all the online tech elements
And so, by the end when you have to be strong in your call to action, when you need to speak with confidence and clarity, you probably spoke about whatever passed by in your mind except for what leads to a clear ask.
You end up in confusion, in going overtime and running out of time to make your irresistible offer that helps people change their lives.
Perhaps you have been trying to cover up the fact that you’re showing up at only 10 or 20% of whom you can actually be.
But quick fixes are what they promise and you can’t create long-term results with a short-term vision.
You know the quick fixes. They may be on your desk right now...
✘ A hot cup of coffee to pick you up.
✘ A sweet soft drink for a sugar rush or energy drink for a new “high.”
✘ A box of fine -Belgium- chocolates to cut the stress of your sudden performance anxiety.
✘ A pill for your next headache, a pill to keep the edge off, a pill to get focus.
✘ A supplement for a kick of energy, one for extra proteins, one for more vitamins and minerals.
✘ A glass of red, or two, or “let’s finish the bottle” to wind down from a long business day…
But how do these uppers and downers make you feel on the long run, when they are not enough anymore to keep you going after you completely robbed your bank? When their staggering effects become visible on your waist, belly, hips and make you want to beat yourself up for being “weak?”
The hardest part of the day in the life of a speaker or businesswoman is not: organizing your day, it’s not: planning & executing your activities, it’s not: having back to back clients all day long, it’s not: managing your team, it’s not: creating a keynote without stopping for a meal, it’s not even attending meeting after meeting or flying across the world.
The hardest part is when you get home after work, when you walk through the door wondering where you’ll get the energy to make dinner. The frustration of feeling exhausted, mentally drained, on the tips of your toes at the moment you want to do what you love doing with your time, is discouraging and depleting. You wonder:
“Is this all there is to life?”
The hardest part is when you realize that all you do right now is getting up, work all day, graze throughout your day on autopilot, go to sleep. Day after day. Your desire to live that ideal lifestyle you’re working for is no way near the poor quality life you are living right now.
What you really want
is the energy to dive into your kitchen after work, wind down while whipping up a glorious healthy meal in no time. You want energy to spice up your cultural life, to talk to your friends, energy that makes you laugh until your jaw is hurting, energy to join a hip yoga class from your home, to build nice muscle with your new weights and after a good shower, curl up on your couch with a good book, music in the background and think: "I'm real good company for myself!" You want energy so you can crank up your libido and enjoy sex again.
You want the energy for your ultimate outcome of your business: to enjoy living the dream life you have in mind.

Maybe you gave up believing that it's
Eating a quick healthy breakfast every morning without hurrying
Not overeating at lunch because you’re hungry as hell and all you had was coffee
Feeling energized all day long without overdosing on caffeine
Not craving sweets, take-out and junk food anymore
Losing a few sizes as the nice side-effect of eating (more) plant-based
Keeping off the hormonal pounds that bug you as you age
Not apologizing for your weight anymore and hiding behind a 10 year old picture
Being consistent with your intentions
Sticking to your healthy choices, even when you’re home alone
Feeling confident about how you look in your videos and on camera
Having the wardrobe with all the clothes you could only dream of before
Having sky-high energy to rock it on your own event, 4 days in a row
Doing more of what you love doing because you get more done in your day
Having energy at the end of a business day to spend quality time with your loved ones
Not being too tired to cook up fresh meals
Enjoying gourmet dishes without any guilt
Feeling like moving again without running empty
Skipping the late night alcohol for comfort and sneaky munching at night
Sleeping like a baby and feeling rested when you wake up
Looking 10, 15 years younger and feeling amazing every day
Showing up every day at the full 110% of who you can really be!
What you need
Here’s what works when you are busy as crazy but you know that you need to change the way you eat, work, live.
An exciting, doable, step-by-step plan that sustains your success!
The good news is, that it isn’t difficult at all to get your body, brain and presence in the best shape ever!
You just have to know what to tweak, what to leave out and how to replace what you leave out, so you don’t have to miss a thing! On top of that, yes! I help you make everything taste and look good as a Mitchy Fitchy! SO good you won’t want to look back!
And that’s what I can help you with! Because you know what?
you can talk or think clearly when you’re full of shit :-)
So we have to get rid of everything that clogs up the wonders of your body so that you…
⤞ Quickly and easily double your energy levels in a body you can love again
⤞ Fully expand your brain’s capacities
⤞ Have a body that fits your desired little black dress and fav skinny jeans
⤞ Smoothen the wrinkles that the camera ruthlessly shows
⤞ Clear out your skin from stress rashes, sudden herpes blisters on your lips, acne on your chin
⤞ Soothe and strengthen your voice
⤞ Create a stylish, elegant, vibrant presence people want to be around!
Is this something you want?
Book your “Activate Your 3 Keys to High Energy” session with me for free (valued at $200)
✗ We’ll define why YOU may still feel as only 10 or 20% of whom you can actually be
✗ You get a personal plan to turn your struggles into quick first results
✗ And if we are a good fit, you want someone who got your back, I’ll tell you more about how you can work with me
By the way… if you were waiting for next Monday, for 2021, for the end of a launch or the closure of your next event to start taking care of yourself, you may never start. There’s always a next big thing in the life of an entrepreneur. There’s no “right time” to get your optimal health started. Your time is now.
Now is the right time to eat deliciously healthy, to break free from cravings, to break through the limitations of your energy, to create sustainable habits, to rejuvenate and recharge yourself fully and loving yourself for it.
If you're still fantasizing hourly about curling up under your desk for a cat nap, or find that your brain is foggier than the Golden Gate Bridge at rush hour, I have some good news and bad news for you.
how we help speakers like you
Because taking good care of you = taking good care of your business
You love the luxury of undivided attention and that's what you get when you immerse yourself in a VIP intensive day or weekend with Marie-Claire. Everything is tailored to resolving your N°1 challenge and aimed on letting you walk away with a doable solution, motivation, plus a tailored plan to finally experience again how it feels like to have more energy than you actually need! Let’s talk in person and explore how exactly we can make that happen for you.
How would you feel if you could double, triple or even 10X your energy levels? More confident? Focused? Happier? All this -and more- is in your near future when I take you under my wings. I’ll “style” you from the inside out with my Energy FooDprint System: you’ll ditch all the energy dips, your short fuse, drop the pounds that slow you down, enjoy business and life again, look and feel like a million! Let’s set a time and discover what you want.
have more energy, feel lighter, have more focus and close more sales
than ever before?