Classy Chocolate Cake
When you are just putting your first steps out in the new culinary world of living plant-based foods, you may feel a bit uncertain because everything you once took for granted is now being questioned. Your foundation is shaking. You are thinking back of all the lusciousness of sweet memories, scents at the table that bring up images from your childhood and you wonder how to ban what you once loved so much from your life. We all eat with our memories. That’s why it is often so difficult to let go of certain foods. Raw food helps you to create emotional freedom by building a new relationship with what you eat and thus, with yourself.
Desserts are the ideal way to have a comfortable transition phase from eating cooked to raw while enjoying the pleasures of life. This stylish and delicious cake will not only fire up your joy in your pure kitchen, but also seduce the cynics around your table without another explanation about your “rabbit food.” Present your classy, sexy chocolate cake and only reveal that it hasn’t seen any fire after your guests say ; “Oh my, can I have this recipe?’
- A food processor
- A blender
- A spring form of about 7 inches or several small molds for individual cakes
- 1 C of dry raw almonds (preferably soaked and dried)
- 7 pitted dates (not sugared and raw)
- Small dash of sea salt
- 1 TBSP of raw cacao nibs (optional but gives a nice crunch)
- Throw all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until you have a sticky, grainy texture. To test; squeeze a little bit between your fingers; if it sticks together it is ready.
- Push the texture into the spring form(s) for a firm crust of about 0.20 inches high. Push firmly with your fingers, a spoon or a spatula and set aside.
- 2 C of cashews, soaked overnight in spring water
- ¼ C agave nectar or ½ C date paste (blend dates with some water into a paste)
- ¼ to ½ C water (start with ¼ C and add as needed)
- ¼ C raw cacao butter, melted in a double boiler
- ¼ C raw coconut oil, melted in a double boiler
- 1 tsp vanilla extract or the seeds of a vanilla bean
- 1/8 tsp sea salt
- 1 C raw cacao powder
- 1 TBSP Maca (optional but brings depth in chocolate)
- A small dash of cayenne ( lovely synergy with chocolate)
- Melt the cacao butter and coconut oil in a double boiler at low temperature
- Make the chocolate filling by blending all the ingredients into a thick, smooth, luscious cream. Add the coconut oil as the last ingredient at low speed if possible.
- Pour the chocolate filling on top of the crust(s)
- Tap the spring form a few times against the counter to divide the chocolate equally and to remove the air bubbles inside
- Let chill overnight in the fridge
- The next day, remove the cake(s) from the spring form or molds and finish with some grated organic orange zest.
- Or finish with a delicious berry coulis; simply blend a mixture of berries and sieve.
- To speed up the melting process of cacao butter, first grate it with a knife
- Experiment with fruits to make coulis; mango or strawberries combine very well with the dark taste of pure chocolate
- You can replace the water for the filling by freshly squeezed orange juice for more in depth flavor
- Make cute small cakes or serve small slices; this is a filling and nourishing dessert. You don’t need much to feel satisfied; physically or emotionally! You can enjoy this dessert without feeling guilty.
- These cakes stay well for a week in your fridge… if you can leave them alone this long.
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