1 body, 1 life, 1 future
Everything you eat, think, do -or don't do- defines how you will feel and look like tomorrow. You are the results of your actions... and non-actions. You may think that you still have time right now, you're young enough to bounce back from bad habits, eating crap, neglecting self-care. But if you're living the typical day of a busy professional day after day, year after year, you'll run out of time at some point. The numbers aren't lying: 50% of the adult world population is suffering from 1 or more chronic diseases. Are you waiting for your crash to start changing things, like I once did? Just imagine that moment when you'll start bumping into the limits of your health...
why wait with feeling great when you can look & feel like 1.$$$.$$$ right now?
Self-mastery is more than taking care of yourself when it feels convenient or when you finally have an open window of 30 minutes.
self-mastery is about...
having clarity, vision, direction
defining values to go the extra mile for
gathering the knowledge to do it right
creating lasting change with purpose
changing habits and routines
planning, organising, smart systems
owning the skills for fun and effectiveness
enabling the timeframe with ease
creating continuity
feeling supported every step of the way
Having a community, a buddy, a partner in crime
being inspired, motivated, stimulated
living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle by default
generating and sustaining quality energy to do all that

Fit, happy & rich lifestyle mastermind
a 12 month membership
... is designed for you to...
✗ design and live your ideal long-term vision
✗ build your knowledge base for (self)-awareness
✗ teach you the nitty gritty stuff and skills
✗ help you set up health support systems for wellness
✗ empower you to commit to yourself, every day
✗ surround you with like minded experts, wired like you
✗ keep you accountable in an elegant way
✗ become the person and leader you love being the most

My mission throughout our curriculum is: not giving you more work. It's: looking at how we can relieve you from what you experience as "too much" in your attempts to live healthy. My purpose is that you can create a smooth flow of self-care systems that work and are doable within your limited timeframe.
We focus on 1 theme a month to build your foundation of knowledge and skill set, guiding you step-by-step towards the big picture.
Each month we...
Envision what your next personal focus is within the theme we're working on
Eliminate 1 food group, habit or routine that claims your energy and mental clarity
Embrace the alternative that will make you drop weight and feel vibrant
Empower you with new insights and experiences to make small changes that count
Having personal access to your mentor in various ways is key in exponential growth. I believe in the personal touch that makes difference. Every month we'll be sitting together for a live virtual masterclass with in depth training where you also have a chance to ask your questions. And you'll absolutely love our monthly juicy chat pause where you can pop in when you want to share some wins, thoughts or whatever that came up for you and we can help you with. If you want to level it up to one one one access to me, that's possible too. Choose the formula which offers you a monthly coaching session and I'll mentor you in private via the phone or Skype. Your success matters to me.
You know by now that you are what you eat, think and do. But the player with most influence on your behaviour and actions when it comes down to creating lasting results, is -believe it or not- your environment.
You are who you know.
Who do you spend most of your time with? How supportive are they in your healthy choices? How do they lift you up or drag you down? Having a community around you of like wired people makes you go the extra mile, every mile. Because here's what it comes down to...
no one succeeds alone
The best among us already know: success never comes without failure. That's why successful people build a team that keeps them on track, pushes them through, brings out the best in them and supports them every step of the way.
Serena Williams wouldn't be the best without her professional team of personal trainers, coaches, mentors, nutritionists (by the way, did you know that she performs on a living plant based diet? No seriously, she does!), her personal raw food chef on the road.
Success comes with the input, support, strategies, tools, tactics, empowerment of those who you surround yourself with. And that can be good or bad. Meaning: who you surround yourself with and are influenced by defines your levels of determination, flow, strength, success.
how we build your
fit, happy & rich lifestyle
who is this for?
Especially when you're busy and don't "have the time" (for BS), you know that you need to do "something" to turn the wheel but don't know what or how or where to start, when you are an eternal student, you love learning new things, you get excited by the thought that you can take your health into your own hands easily and get back in the driver's seat (where you belong), you love taking action and playing around with new strategies, tools and tactics, you want to replace draining habits by healthy ones, when you want to create consistency in your results...

fit, happy & rich mastermind overview
This membership is much more than another online program where you still have to figure out everything by yourself without any professional input on a personal level. We want to give you a mastermind group with live personal support, feedback, guidance and accountability, month after month.
Find out what fits best: the Premium Level with the opportunity to work with me privately on top of all the amazing group benefits or the Basic Level where you'll enjoy the high quality vibe of a supportive group of likeminded entrepreneurs, just like you.
What your basic membership includes
✗ An easy accessible platform to tune in with every day.
✗ 1 Live Masterclass of 60 minutes per month.
✗ We focus on 1 theme per month we go into depth with.
✗ A lovely handout to walk you through each step of change.
✗ 1 group coaching call with Q&A of 30 minutes per month.
✗ Replays stay available.
✗ A high quality vibe community.
✗ Accountability that keeps you on top of your game.
✗ My personal presence in our community during business day.
✗ Weekly check in via email to keep you on track.
✗ Goal driven results.
What your premium membership includes
✗ An easy accessible platform to tune in with every day.
✗ 1 Live Masterclass of 60 minutes per month.
✗ We focus on 1 theme per month we go into depth with.
✗ A lovely handout to walk you through each step of change.
✗ 1 group coaching call with Q&A call of 30 minutes per month.
✗ Replays stay available.
✗ A high quality vibe community.
✗ Accountability that keeps you on top of your game.
✗ My personal presence in our community during business days.
✗ Weekly check in via email to keep you on track.
✗ Free access to my 3 Day Mindset Makeover Bootcamp.
✗ 1 x 50 minutes of private coaching, all personalised to your needs.
✗ Recordings of our private calls so you can re-listen.
✗ Exclusive email access to me during business days.
✗ Goal driven results in a shorter time.
How long is this mastermind group membership?
Building a sustainable healthy lifestyle doesn't happen overnight. We're going for lastig long-term results, so it takes time to give you all the building blocks for you to get back in business with your wellbeing. To give you this time I'm offering this mastermind group as a 1-year membership.
How does it work?
Every month we focus on a theme so that we can go into depth and address all your challenges within that particular theme, teach you the skills and set up your support-systems for self-mastery. We gather twice a month live in our group and once privately if you value working with me one on one to create faster results.
I don't have time: how much work is this going to take?
My purpose is not: giving you more work on top of everything else but give you tools, tactics, strategies to make your self-care doable within the limited timeframe you have as a busy professional. During our masterclass, you'll already have time to get different insights while going through the content, but also the momentum and inspiration to implement the easy steps that will move you forward.
I travel a lot: can i access the content as i go?
Yes of course! Most of my clients travel extensively. That's why I chose to host everything in a very low-tech way so that you can easily tune in from wherever you are, at any time. You will love the accessibility of my mastermind group!
HOW can i join?
Simply click the button of your preferred level above. As soon as you are subscribed, your monthly investment will be charged automatically via Paypal/your credit card.
Do i have to stay for the full 12 months?
I created this mastermind group with the purpose to give you enough time to get all the know-how for an energized lifestyle that will enable you to work and live to your full potential. But if you want to leave, you can at any time by ending the subscription in Paypal or emailing me.
can i change the plan after a while?
You can upgrade or downgrade at any time as you wish, no problem. Email me and I will take care of it.
can i refer your mastermind group to other entrepreneurs or companies?
I would be happy and honoured if you would! Feel free to share this page with them or introduce your partners/peeps to me in an email and I'll take it from there.
any other questions? drop me a note.