Who are your clients exactly?
When I started, I wanted to help everyone. I guess that’s the idealism of every beginner. But I learned that if I wanted to be known as a leading authority, I needed to narrow it down and become really good at 1 thing. At that time I had no idea yet what that one thing was, or what my special talent was. I was just enjoying being able to do what I loved doing.
Soon I started attracting professionals: world-class musicians, entrepreneurs, experts. Most of these busy leaders were overweighed, stressed out, they lacked the energy to perform and live the way they wanted to. It was so easy to understand them, to deliver the results they wanted because I was one myself. I was facing the same challenges of a busy schedule and had organized myself in such a way that my self-care was part of my agenda and calendar. A Grammy winning jazz musician and producer was my first client and he still is today.
So now, I only work with experts. And to me you’re an expert when you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a high performer, an artist, a game-changer, a coach, a mentor, a leader, an influencer,… you know your stuff, you have expertise in what you do. You are leading by example. But… how is this example looking and feeling like? I started thinking and creating programs with "Creating Healthy Leaders" in the back of my mind.
What started as “Ravishing Raw™” has recently become “Energy For Experts™.” I rebranded my whole business, created a new website to bring my work and unique concept across in a better and much bigger way.
I’m proud of my darling clients and I’m proud to say that I helped world class jazz musicians, entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, and TEDx- and event organizers lose excess pounds, reverse pre-diabetic and diabetes type 2 conditions, thyroid issues, overcome emotional eating and binging, alcoholism and drug abuse. I'm proud to say that I helped them change their life. Some started a second business. Others dumped their draining business and asked my help to start a new business with their new passion. Getting rid of issues that claimed their energy changed their whole life.