Start Your Day Green!
and feel in charge of your day
- Are you feeling fatigued frequently?
- Do you lack the energy to be productive in your business?
- Do you just wish you could feel energized throughout your whole day, also in your personal life after work?
If your answer is “Yes!”, this very easy, simple routine strategy in your day will activate your energy within a week! Simply charge your body in the morning with a green smoothie. It’s fast, effective, delicious!
This boost of nutrients will…
- Charge you with real nutrients instantly
- Improve your digestion
- Promote a light feeling
- Eliminate cravings for sweets and junk food
- Make you lose weight without dieting
- Elevate your energy
- Deliver a strong focus
- Result in creating productivity

Why exactly green smoothies can change your life
Maybe you have the habit to start your day with coffee on an empty stomach, industrial cereals, dairy, bread, sweets, bad fats,… not knowing that this is how you set the tone for the rest of your day, creating the fundament for cravings throughout your day. Why? Because you crave what is in your blood.
Imagine for a moment your body as a computer. Before you can start using your computer, you need to feed the memory with the right information, add the right programs. This is what food is to your 15 trillion of cells: information. When you program your cells first thing in the morning with sugar, bad fats and carbs, this is the information your cells are programmed with and what they store in their memory. Your body will crave more of what it gets that morning.
This means that you can change what your body craves for. How? Start your day green! By changing this one habit; replacing poor and highly processed, empty calorie foods by natural nutrients you will …
- change what your body asks you for (more sweet, more fats, more carbs all day long,… or more greens and fruits)
- add real valuable nutrients to your body that your body can recognize
- take away the stress of heavy digestion, saving loads of energy
- activate a natural, slow detox
- remove toxins that fatigue you on a constant basis
- activate your body to generate pure energy
As soon as you give your body what it really needs, it will want more. It is almost a physical experience and the day you say “Aaah” with the first sip you take of your green smoothie, you are on track! Green smoothies are an excellent way to consume many more greens than you would be able to eat. By blending non starchy vegetables and fruits, digestion is already half way. All your body needs to do is break down the very palatable fiber.
Result: your digestion improves, you start saving energy that you would normally consume. Smoothies are not only packed with nutrients that will increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, proteins etc… but also adds fiber to your colon. You will resolve constipation and release what is making you feel heavy. Physically, mentally and emotionally.
What clutters the colon, clutters the brain, the mind. Why? Your gut is your second brain! When your gut is constipated, so is your brain. You can’t think, you can’t focus, you feel foggy, you forget things. Without clarity, your productivity suffers. This is why good digestion is major for the way you are able to perform at full capacity and why a big green smoothie for breakfast will impact your health, your energy, your productivity.
Blender (preferably a high speed blender but a house hold blender will work too to get started)
- 1 banana
- 1 mango
- Fill the rest of your blender to the top with leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, parsley, cilantro, swiss chard, collard greens,…)
- Add spring water or fresh young Thai coconut water till about halfway the content
- Blend
- Sip and chew (to activate even more digestive enzymes)
- You can make more and take the rest to work easily in a bottle
- Children love smoothies! Add berries for more omega 3 and thus, better concentration at school. Bye Rilatine!
- Just getting started with smoothies and not used to the green taste yet? Start with more fruit and add more greens gradually
- Always make your smoothies delicious!
- Rotate your greens
- Experiment with tastes
- Add the juice of a lemon to break bitterness (when you use kale or dandelion for instance)

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